Who We Are
The aims and purposes of this organization are as follows:
To serve our country in peace as in war; to build and maintain the welfare of the United States of America toward lasting prosperity and peace for all its inhabitants;
- To encourage, in keeping with policies of our government, the establishment of a concrete plan to secure permanent international peace and to assist in the maintenance of international peace;
- To inspire in our membership a sense of responsibility and to develop leadership for the preservation of our American democratic way of life;
- To help unify divergent groups in the overall interest of American democracy;
- To train our youth to become purposeful citizens in a democracy with full knowledge of the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship;
- To cooperate with all duly recognized existing veterans’ organizations in the furtherance of the aims of the veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II;
- To ensure the orderly return of the veteran to civilian life by protecting the rights of individuals while the service member is still in uniform;
- To expedite and assist in the rehabilitation of veterans by maintaining employment services; sponsoring educational opportunities; providing counsel on insurance, housing, recreation, personal problems, hospitalization and veterans benefits;
- To act as a liaison agent between the veteran and the government;
- To provide an organization to encourage fellowship among all American veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II; and
- To keep the public forever reminded that the American veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II fought and served to preserve peace, liberty and democracy for their nation.
Post 44 History
In December 2008 the original founding members of what was originally known as AMVETS Post 44 meet in hope of forming an AMVETS Post in the Metro Atlanta area. It was unanimously decided upon to call the Post “Post 44” in recognition of the first African American President, President Barack Obama. An Application to be chartered was presented to the Georgia Department of AMVETS and on June 6, 2009 the Charter for Post 44 was
In recognition of the first Executive Director for the post whom was instrumental in establishing the post as one of the Top “Small Post” (Post with a membership less than 100), in the State of Georgia. The post in September 2014 held a meeting and unanimously voted to re-name the Post in memory of “Willie Weatherly”. The Post now goes by the designation “WILLIE WEATHERLY AMVETS POST 44”.
Founding Charter Members
AMVETS Post 44
Department of Georgia
Harold W. Banks
Elsworth Grant
Edwin Q. Anderson
Ken Guy
Eddie L. Cole
Lisa Priest
Bobby Rand
Joe Boone
Roy L. Thomas
Pennon Lockhart
James Brinson
James Wooten